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- From LISTSERV@TAUNIVM.TAU.AC.IL Mon Oct 7 14:19:00 1991
- Date: Mon, 7 Oct 91 07:08:51 IST
- From: List Processor (1.2) <LISTSERV@TAUNIVM.TAU.AC.IL>
- Subject: File: "LISTLPUN MEMO" being sent to you
- LISTEARN List Processor, Release 1.0
- -------------------------------------------
- LISTEARN 1.0 (c) EARN Association 1989 is derived from:
- LISTSERV 1.5o (c) Eric Thomas 1986,1987,1988,1989
- +-----------------------------------------------------------+
- | Revised LISTSERV: LISTSERV-Punch Implementation Guide |
- +-----------------------------------------------------------+
- | |
- | Document number: R01-007-0 (October 4th, 1987) |
- | |
- | Author: Eric Thomas <ERIC@FRECP11.BITNET> |
- | |
- | Document fileid: "LISTLPUN MEMO" (from "Info LPunch") |
- +-----------------------------------------------------------+
- Preface
- This manual is a Reference Guide for application programmers who have
- to implement the LISTSERV-Punch file transfer format on their oper-
- ating system. It provides a complete technical description of the
- LISTSERV-Punch format, along with a brief summary of some relevant
- information about the CMS file system. In addition, sample conversion
- programs in PASCAL and C are provided to assist the application
- programmer in implementing a satisfactory LISTSERV-Punch conversion
- program on his system.
- NOTE: The LISTSERV-Punch file transfer format was introduced with
- release 1.4 of Revised LISTSERV. Although the LISTSERV-Punch format
- might be expanded in the future to provide additional functions, full
- upwards compatibility is warrantied provided that the user-written
- conversion program strictly conforms to the standard defined in this
- document. Deviations from the norm (e.g. not ignoring the remainder
- of the ID control card) might lead to problems with future releases of
- Conventions
- -----------
- The following typographical conventions have been made in this docu-
- ment to improve its readability:
- | o Recent changes in the publication are indicated by a vertical bar
- | in the left margin.
- ! o Intermediate changes between two releases of the document ("Pre-
- ! releases") are flagged with an exclamation point in the left
- ! margin. Features described in this fashion should be considered
- ! as not documented and not officially supported until the exclama-
- ! tion point is removed.
- > o Temporary restrictions or circumventions are marked with a
- > "greater than" sign in the left margin. This sign may also be used
- > to signal obsolete features for which support will be dropped in
- > the next release.
- _________________________________
- ****************
- * Introduction *
- ****************
- The term "LISTSERV-Punch" refers to a "file transmission format" which
- is used by LISTSERV when sending files larger than 80 characters per
- record to computing systems which do not have the ability to process
- Netdata, CARD DUMP or DISK DUMP format. It was designed to accomodate
- file transmission through mail-only gateways. Its primary features
- are:
- o Ability to transfer files of any record length up to 65535 charac-
- ters per record. This limit is arbitrary and corresponds to the
- longest string a high-level language compiler can usually handle.
- o Ability to transfer files without automatically padding or strip-
- ping records of trailing blanks. That is, leading or trailing
- blanks are not removed by the file transfer process itself.
- o Simplicity of the decoding program. Sample conversion programs in
- PASCAL and C are provided at the end of this document. The PASCAL
- program was written and tested in about 45 minutes, and any PASCAL
- programmer should be able to adapt it very quickly to work on his
- own system.
- The C program should work unmodified under any standard UNIX
- system, but might need to be improved to allow the specification
- of input and output parameters and/or system-dependent switches
- for the various filing system calls.
- o Acceptable network efficiency: very little extra lines are gener-
- ated, and trailing blanks are stripped before transmission.
- o Possibility for a human reader to get a general idea of the
- contents of the file without having to resort to a conversion
- program.
- ****************************
- * Format of the INPUT file *
- ****************************
- A LISTSERV-Punch formatted file (also called "card deck", with the
- term "card" being used to refer to a 80-characters file record) has
- the following outer aspect:
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | junk line |
- | . |
- | . |
- | junk line |
- | |
- | ID/ control card |
- | |
- | data line #1 |
- | . |
- | . |
- | data line #n |
- | |
- | END/ control card |
- | |
- | junk line |
- | . |
- | . |
- | junk line |
- | |
- | Figure 1. Input card deck format |
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- Junk lines
- ----------
- Anything before the "ID/" card (e.g. mail header, comments) is
- ignored. Similarly, anything after the "END/" card (e.g. mailer
- keywords, "Acknowledge-To:" field) is discarded. Encountering the end
- of the file without any ID or END card is an error. However, encount-
- ering an END card before any ID card is not an error since anything
- before the first ID card must be ignored without even being parsed.
- Control lines
- -------------
- The ID card contains information about the file being sent, while the
- END card is merely an end-of-stream indicator. The format of these
- two cards is:
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | ID/filename filetype recfm lrecl reserved |
- | | | | | | | |
- | V V V V V V |
- | Column numbers: 1 4 13 22 24 29 |
- | |
- | END/reserved |
- | | | |
- | V V |
- | Column numbers: 1 5 |
- | |
- | Blanks shown between keywords are real. See later on for more |
- | information on the meaning of "filename", "recfm", etc. |
- | |
- | Figure 2. Control cards format |
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- NOTE: The end of the ID card (from column 30 onwards, inclusive) and
- the end of the END card (from column 5 onwards, inclusive) are
- reserved fields which should be ignored by the conversion program.
- Failure to observe this rule might result in severe compatibility
- problems with future releases of LISTSERV.
- Data lines
- ----------
- Folding algorithm
- Each record of the source file is broken into one or more physical
- "cards" before being transmitted. The first card of each such group
- will indicate the number of cards in the group, counting itself as one
- card (i.e. this is not the number of continuation cards but the total
- number of cards), and possibly the length of the source record line
- (only if "recfm" is 'V' - see below). The remainder of the first
- card, as well as the second and following cards in the group, are pure
- data bytes. The resulting concatenated record will have to be padded
- with blanks as determined by the record length indication, if needed.
- Description of the format of a data line
- Fixed-length records
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | recfm = F |
- | ncards/data |
- | | | |
- | V V |
- | Column numbers: 1 2+Length(ncards) |
- | |
- | Figure 3. Data line format, fixed-length records |
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- Variable-length records
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | recfm = V |
- | lrecl/ncards/data |
- | | | | |
- | V | V |
- | Column numbers: 1 | 3+Length(lrecl)+Length(ncards) |
- | V |
- | 2+Length(lrecl) |
- | |
- | Figure 4. Data line format, variable-length records |
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- NCARDS is the total number of cards in the group (ncards >= 1).
- LRECL is the logical record length of the source file record asso-
- ciated with the group; it does not appear in recfm F files
- for which the record length is defined in the ID card.
- ***************************************
- * Summary of CMS file characteristics *
- ***************************************
- Since LISTSERV operates in an IBM VM/SP CMS environment and the file
- will have to be received on a different operating system, a very short
- description of the CMS file system has been included here.
- CMS file names
- --------------
- Under CMS, each file is identified by a "filename" and a "filetype",
- both of them being strings of 1 to 8 characters taken out of the
- following set:
- A-Z a-z 0-9 #$@-+:_
- However, LISTSERV will never send a file containing a lowercase char-
- acter in its filename or filetype, because a lot of systems have to
- convert them to uppercase or will convert network interactive messages
- to uppercase, thus making it impossible for users to enter mixed case
- file names in the commands they send to LISTSERV.
- CMS file structure
- ------------------
- CMS files consist in a series of "records", as opposed to UNIX or
- MS-DOS files which consist in a series of bytes. When calling the
- filing system to perform a write operation, you must provide a full
- record. It is not possible to write "byte by byte" since this has no
- meaning (you could of course write a series of one-byte records but
- this would not create the file you expected). Each CMS file has
- therefore, among other attributes:
- o A "number of records" field.
- o A "logical record length" (which is called lrecl). This is the
- size of the longest record in the file, and consequently the
- minimum size of the storage buffer required to read the file
- record by record.
- o A "record format" (which is called recfm). This "record format"
- is a single character, F for FIXED or V for VARIABLE. A recfm of
- "F" indicates that all the records in the file have exactly the
- same lrecl, while "V" indicates the opposite. The filing system
- uses more efficient algorithms when handling recfm F files, but
- they require more disk space of course.
- Implementation considerations
- -----------------------------
- Before you start writing the conversion program, you must answer the
- following set of questions:
- 1. Which name will I use on my system for the newly converted file?
- The sample C program reads from standard input and writes the
- converted file to standard output, leaving the user responsible
- for providing adequate redirection on the command line.
- The sample PASCAL program, which is written for MS-DOS, uses the
- filename field as file name and the three first characters of the
- filetype as file extension, i.e. filename+'.'+Left(filetype,3).
- You may use a similar algorithm or select a constant output file
- name such as "LISTSERV.PUN".
- 2. How should recfm F files be written on my system?
- The sample program treats a recfm F file as a recfm V file which
- just happens to have records of identical length. A CR+LF
- sequence is therefore output at the end of each record, regarless
- of the recfm. Alternatively, the program could have been designed
- to write recfm F files "as is", i.e. without any CR+LF sequence at
- the end of the record. It all depends on the capabilities of your
- system and (above all) of your system's editor.
- _____________________
- *********************
- * Preliminary notes *
- *********************
- This sample PASCAL program was written for Turbo-PASCAL (a trademark
- of Borland International). It is provided only as an example - no
- warranty of any kind is made that the program will function properly
- on your operating system. Detailed comments have been provided for
- all the "system dependent" procedures. The program was designed for
- transportability, not efficiency - there are a lot of places where
- some optimization would greatly improve execution speed, but that was
- not the objective of the program. All the functions and procedures
- which are not part of the standard library have been Capitalized,
- while standard functions have been entered in lower case. These func-
- tions might exist on some of the compilers, possibly under a different
- name. The compiler is assumed to be able to handle the "string" type;
- if it doesn't, you will have to write a few "string-handling" func-
- tions which emulate strings from an array of char.
- Finally, since not all terminals accept the special characters used by
- PASCAL, the following conversion has been made:
- opening bracket --> (.
- closing bracket --> .)
- opening curly brace --> (*
- closing curly brace --> *)
- NOTE: in Turbo-PASCAL, string concatenation is done using the "+"
- sign.
- *----------------------------- Cut here --------------------------------*
- (*
- * LISTSERV-Punch PASCAL conversion program, version number 03
- *
- * Written by Eric Thomas <ERIC@FRECP11.BITNET>
- *
- *
- * This public domain program has been tested on an IBM PC-compatible
- * system on several small files that had to be keyed-in manually on
- * the PC since no PC-to-mainframe connection was available.
- *
- * The working version of the program had to be printed and re-keyed
- * in manually into the document you are reading. There can therefore
- * be several keying errors -- proofreading programs is very tiring
- * and consequently very difficult.
- *
- *
- * Synopsis:
- *
- * The input file from LISTSERV is assumed to be CARDS.DAT
- *
- * Output is directed to file "filename.filetype", with filetype
- * being truncated to 3 characters of course.
- *
- *
- * Problems:
- *
- * Send problem or bug reports to <ERIC@FRECP11.BITNET>.
- * Metaphysical complaints about the Rules of Structured Programming
- * and their relationship to this blasphemous program should better
- * stay in their author's own warm, safe and cosy mailbox.
- *
- *)
- program LPUNCH(input,cardfile,output,outfile);
- (* Note: Turbo-PASCAL requires square brackets for the "string" type,
- while other compilers require parenthesis. Since some terminals
- cannot display square brackets, parenthesis will be used. *)
- type cards=string(80);
- string5=string(5); (* This is because Turbo is not a very power- *)
- string8=string(8); (* ful compiler *)
- anystring=string(255); (* Substitute the maximum length of a
- "string" var on your compiler *)
- var cardfile:text; (* Input file -- compiler dependent declaration *)
- outfile:file of char; (* compiler dependent declaration *)
- card:cards;
- filename,filetype:string8;
- recfm:char;
- i,ncards,lrecl,xlrecl:integer;
- function Substr(s:anystring;start,size:integer):anystring;
- (* This function must return the substring of "s" starting at character
- number "start" and of length "size". The resulting string must NOT be
- padded with blanks if start+size-1 > length of the string. *)
- begin
- Substr:=Copy(s,start,size) (* Turbo has it under another name *)
- end;
- function Length(s:anystring):integer;
- (* This return the length of the string, with 0 for a null string *)
- begin
- Length:=ord(s(.0.)) (* Same as the built-in Turbo function *)
- end;
- procedure Opencards;
- (* This procedure must open the input file, wherever it may be or your
- system, and display an error message and exit it there is an error *)
- begin
- assign(cardfile,'CARDS.DAT');
- (*$i-*)
- reset(cardfile);
- (*$i+*)
- if ioresult <> 0 then
- begin
- writeln('Error opening input file');
- halt (* HALT is a GOTO just before the END. statement *)
- end
- end;
- procedure Closecards;
- (* This procedure must close the input file. You may wish to have it
- delete the input file too *)
- begin
- (*$i-*)
- close(cardfile);
- if ioresult = 0 then; (* just reset turbo's hang... *)
- (*$i+*)
- end;
- function Getcard:cards;
- var result:cards;
- (* This function must read one 80-chars line (one "card") from input
- and return it as result. A premature EOF is an error and must cause
- termination of the program. The result must be EXACTLY 80 characters
- in length *)
- begin
- (*$i-*)
- readln(cardfile,result);
- (*$i+*)
- if ioresult <> 0 then
- begin
- writeln('Premature EOF on input');
- halt
- end;
- while Length(result) <> 80 do result:=result+' ';
- Getcard:=result
- end;
- function Dec2bin(s:string5):integer;
- var n,error:integer;
- (* This function converts a string of numeric characters into its
- binary representation ("integer"). An error should cause termination*)
- begin
- val(s,n,error);
- if error = 0 then Dec2bin:=n
- else begin
- writeln('Invalid decimal argument');
- halt
- end
- end;
- procedure Openout(fn,ft:string8);
- (* This procedure must open the output file under whatever file-id you
- may choose *)
- begin
- assign(outfile,fn+'.'+Substr(ft,1,3));
- (*$i-*)
- rewrite(outfile);
- (*$i+*)
- if ioresult <> 0 then
- begin
- writeln('Error opening output file');
- halt
- end
- end;
- procedure Closeout;
- (* This procedure must close the output file. Errors should be detected
- since they can mean a disk-full condition while writing the last
- buffer, or suchlike *)
- begin
- (*$i-*)
- close(outfile);
- if ioresult <> 0 then
- begin
- writeln('Error occured while closing output file');
- halt
- end
- (*$i+*)
- end;
- function Gobbleword(var card:cards):string5;
- var s:string5;
- (* This function should be left "as is" *)
- begin
- s:='';
- repeat
- s:=s+card(.1.);
- card:=Substr(card,2,80)
- until card(.1.) = '/';
- card:=Substr(card,2,80); (* Delete the "/" sign too *)
- Gobbleword:=s
- end;
- procedure Outchar(c:char);
- (* This outputs a character to "outfile". On byte-based file systems such
- as UNIX or MS-DOS, the character is just sent to standard output. On
- record-based systems it must be appended to a buffer (string(65535) or
- array of char) before the actual write is performed (see below) *)
- begin
- (*$i-*)
- write(outfile,c);
- (*$i+*)
- if ioresult <> 0 then
- begin
- writeln('Error writing to output file');
- halt
- end
- end;
- procedure Endofrecord;
- (* This procedure is called when the end of a record is reached. On
- record-based file systems, the buffer must be written; on byte-based
- systems a CR+LF (or similar) must be output for recfm V files, and
- possibly for recfm F files (your option) *)
- begin
- Outchar(chr(13)); (* CR *)
- Outchar(chr(10)) (* LF *)
- end;
- procedure Writeout(s:cards;var l:integer);
- var i:integer;
- (* This one must be left "as is" *)
- begin
- if Length(s) > l then s:=Substr(s,1,l);
- for i:=1 to Length(s) do Outchar(Substr(s,i,1));
- l:=l-Length(s)
- end;
- (* Main program -- nothing needs to be changed *)
- begin
- Opencards;
- repeat
- card:=Getcard
- until Substr(card,1,3) = 'ID/';
- filename:=Substr(card,4,8);
- filetype:=Substr(card,13,8);
- recfm:=Substr(card,22,1);
- lrecl:=Dec2bin(Substr(card,24,5));
- Openout(filename,filetype);
- repeat
- card:=Getcard;
- if Substr(card,1,4) <> 'END/' then
- begin
- if recfm = 'V' then xlrecl:=Dec2bin(Gobbleword(card))
- else xlrecl:=lrecl;
- ncards:=Dec2bin(Gobbleword(card));
- repeat
- Writeout(card,xlrecl);
- ncards:=ncards-1;
- if ncards <> 0 then card:=Getcard
- until ncards = 0;
- for i:=1 to xlrecl do Outchar(' ');
- Endofrecord
- end
- until Substr(card,1,4) = 'END/';
- Closecards;
- Closeout;
- writeln('File "',filename,' ',filetype,
- '" has been successfully converted.')
- end.
- *----------------------------- Cut here --------------------------------*
- ________________
- *********************
- * Preliminary notes *
- *********************
- This sample C program is provided only as an example - no warranty of
- any kind is made that the program will function properly on your oper-
- ating system. Detailed comments have been provided for all the
- "system dependent" procedures. All the functions and procedures which
- are not part of the standard library have been Capitalized, while
- standard functions have been entered in lower case.
- The program should operate properly as is on any standard UNIX system,
- although some system-dependent additions might be necessary in some
- cases (e.g. special options on the output file fopen call, or addition
- of command-line switches).
- Finally, since not all terminals accept the special characters used by
- C, the following conversion has been made:
- opening bracket --> (:
- closing bracket --> :)
- opening curly brace --> (*
- closing curly brace --> *)
- backslash --> <bs>
- You should be able to reverse this conversion easily with your
- favourite text editor before compiling the program.
- *----------------------------- Cut here --------------------------------*
- /*
- * LISTSERV-Punch C conversion program, version number 02
- *
- * Written by Eric Thomas <ERIC@FRECP11.BITNET>
- *
- *
- * This public domain program has been tested on a VM system with the
- * huge BITEARN NODES file as input (over 23,000 LISTSERV-Punch format
- * records), as well as several other smaller files. No problem has
- * been encountered in the testing phase.
- *
- * The working version of the program has been electronically copied
- * into the document you are reading, untouched. There can therefore
- * be no keying error, or then it was in the original program too and
- * was not detected during the testing period.
- *
- *
- * Synopsis:
- *
- * The input file from LISTSERV is assumed to be the standard input.
- *
- * Output is directed to the standard output, but the program is
- * structured in such a way that this can be easily changed.
- *
- *
- * Problems:
- *
- * Send problem or bug reports to <ERIC@FRECP11.BITNET>.
- * Philosophical lectures about the grandiose organization of C and
- * how it has been violated in this program should be directly
- * forwarded to /dev/null for a prompt answer.
- *
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- char card(:81:), /* Input record image */
- filename(:9:),
- filetype(:9:),
- number(:6:), /* Scratch string to hold a number */
- recfm;
- int i,ncards,lrecl,xlrecl;
- FILE *outfile;
- /* This function does not have to be tailored */
- Substr(outstring,instring,start,length)
- char *outstring,*instring;
- int start,length;
- (*
- register int rd=0,wr=0;
- register char c;
- --start;
- while(rd < start) (*
- if (instring(:rd++:)=='<bs>0') (*
- outstring="";
- return;
- *)
- *)
- while(length-- > 0) (*
- if ((c=instring(:rd++:)) != '<bs>0')
- outstring(:wr++:)=c;
- else break;
- *)
- outstring(:wr:)='<bs>0';
- return;
- *)
- /* This function must read one 80-chars line (one "card") from input
- and return it as result. A premature EOF is an error and must cause
- termination of the program. The result must be EXACTLY 80 characters
- in length */
- Getcard(string)
- char *string;
- (*
- register int i=0,c;
- while(i < 80) (*
- if (((c=getchar()) != EOF) && (c != '<bs>n'))
- string(:i++:)=c;
- else
- break;
- *)
- if (c == EOF) (*
- fprintf(stderr,"Premature EOF on input.<bs>n");
- exit(100); *)
- if (i==80) (*
- if (getchar() != '<bs>n') (*
- fprintf(stderr,"Input file contains records larger than 80.<bs>n");
- exit(100);
- *)
- *)
- while (i < 80) (*
- string(:i++:)=' ';
- *)
- string(:i:)='<bs>0';
- return;
- *)
- /* This function does not have to be tailored */
- Dec2bin(result,string)
- char *string;
- int *result;
- (*
- if (sscanf(string,"%d",result) != 0) return;
- fprintf(stderr,"Invalid decimal argument -- '%s'.<bs>n",string);
- exit(100);
- *)
- /* This procedure must open the output file under whatever file-id you
- may choose */
- Openout(fn,ft)
- char *fn,*ft;
- (*
- /* Our implementation uses standard output as file pointer */
- outfile=stdout;
- /* The following instruction must be uncommented for use under
- most VM C's if the output file is to have a lrecl > 80 */
- /* outfile=fopen("LPUNCH OUTPUT A (recfm v lrecl 65535","w"); */
- return;
- *)
- /* This procedure must close the output file. Errors should be detected
- since they can mean a disk-full condition while writing the last
- buffer, or suchlike */
- Closeout()
- (* /* The chosen implementation does nothing and relies on the operating
- system to close the standard output file. This is not good
- programming practice but at least it's transportable. */
- return;
- *)
- /* This function should be left "as is" */
- Gobbleword(inpstring,outstring)
- char *inpstring,*outstring;
- (*
- register int rd=0,wr=0;
- while (inpstring(:rd:) != '/') (*
- outstring(:wr++:)=inpstring(:rd++:);
- *)
- outstring(:wr:)='<bs>0';
- for(wr=0;inpstring(:++rd:) != '<bs>0';) (*
- inpstring(:wr++:)=inpstring(:rd:);
- *)
- inpstring(:wr:)='<bs>0';
- return;
- *)
- /* This function does not have to be tailored */
- Writeout(string,lenptr)
- char *string;
- int *lenptr;
- (*
- int i=0;
- while((string(:i:) != '<bs>0') && ( *lenptr > 0)) (*
- putc(string(:i++:),outfile);
- --( *lenptr);
- *)
- *)
- /* Main program -- nothing needs to be changed */
- main() (*
- do (* /* Read up to and including 'ID/' card */
- Getcard(card);
- *) while ((card(:0:)!='I') || (card(:1:)!='D') || (card(:2:)!='/'));
- Substr(filename,card,4,8);
- Substr(filetype,card,13,8);
- recfm=card(:21:);
- Substr(number,card,24,5);
- Dec2bin(&lrecl,number);
- Openout(filename,filetype);
- for (;;) (*
- Getcard(card);
- if ((card(:0:)=='E') && (card(:1:)=='N') &&
- (card(:2:)=='D') && (card(:3:)=='/'))
- break;
- if (recfm=='V') (*
- Gobbleword(card,number);
- Dec2bin(&xlrecl,number); *)
- else
- xlrecl=lrecl;
- Gobbleword(card,number);
- Dec2bin(&ncards,number);
- do (*
- Writeout(card,&xlrecl);
- if (--ncards != 0)
- Getcard(card);
- *) while(ncards!=0);
- for(i=1;i <= xlrecl;i++) (*
- putc(' ',outfile);
- *)
- putc('<bs>n',outfile);
- *)
- Closeout();
- *)
- *----------------------------- Cut here --------------------------------*
- *************************************
- * Appendix A. The LISTSERV Library *
- *************************************
- o User's guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (U01-001)
- o List Manager's guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (M01-002)
- o Installation guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (S01-003)
- o Application Programmer's guide . . . . . . . . . . . (A01-004)
- o Maintenance guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (S01-005)
- o File Server Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (U01-006)
- --> o Listserv-Punch Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . (R01-007)
- o File Maintainer's guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (M01-008)
- o BITNET-Oriented Presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . (P01-009)
- o Public Utilities Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . (A01-010)
- o Licensed Utilities Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . (S01-011)
- o Database Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (U01-012)
- LISTSERV Document Numbers
- -------------------------
- U 01 - 006 - 0
- _ __ ___ _
- | | | |
- Document Class -----------+ | | |
- | | |
- | | |
- | | |
- Product Number --------------+ | |
- | |
- | |
- | |
- Publication Number -------------------+ |
- |
- |
- |
- Revision Number ------------------------+
- Document Class
- The Document Class indicates for which category of persons the publi-
- cation was written. The current classes are:
- A Documents intended for Application Programmers. These publica-
- tions are usually very technical.
- M Documents intended for Software Managers, i.e. operators, "list
- owners", "file maintainers", et al.
- P General Presentation documents intended for persons who do not
- have any particular knowledge in the product. These are gener-
- ally non-technical documents.
- R Reference documents defining protocols used by the product.
- These documents are very technical and are intended for people
- who have to write interfaces for the product or attempt to port
- it to an operating system or environment for which it was not
- originally written.
- S Documents intended for Systems Programmers, i.e. the persons
- responsible for the installation and operation of the product.
- U Documents intended for General Users.
- Product Number
- The Product Number is a unique number associated with the product to
- which the publication relates. Number 01 refers to LISTSERV, number
- 02 corresponds to the NETINFO sub-product, etc.
- Publication Number
- This is a unique number associated with the publication. Publication
- Numbers are assigned sequentially, disregarding the Document Class.
- There is a different set of Publication Numbers for each product.
- Revision Number
- This number is incremented at every release change in the publication.
- Fractional numbers indicate intermediate changes between two releases.